WordPress Visual Data
Learning about the WordPress ecosystem analyzing data
A History of WordPress told through the number of themes published in the Themes Directory
>I’m going to tell you about something that, if you use WordPress, is very visible almost all the time. You…
A History of WordPress told through the number of plugins published in the Plugins Directory
In this article we will try to build a short history of the WordPress Plugin Directory by the numbers, trying…

Jesús Yesares
VisualData Project Leader
Jesús Yesares, with 7 years of experience in the WordPress community. Coming from the world of sciences and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Javier Casares
OpenData Project Leader
Javier Casares is a well-known member of the WordPress community, with 18 years of active experience in the ecosystem. Javier brings a wide range of skills in data collection and management.